To be frank, I’m still not happy with the result what I was getting from this workaround tip. Thus you can get rid of that Google search box with thumbnail images on the new tab. For example, place chrome://apps flag to open Google Chrome apps page every time you open a new tab or new window. You can also use Google Chrome flags in that address. Here you can fill any web page that you want to see every time you open a new tab. Once you install, you will get an option to fill a web page. To remove that Google search box form new tab, first install Replace New Tab Page extension. If you wish to set that to any other domain, then you set that too. In my case, I just set chrome apps flag (chrome://apps) to open chrome apps page in a new tab instead of that Google search box tab. For example, you can place any of the website URL that you wish to open every time you open a new tab, or you can set any chrome flags. Replace New Tab Page is a Google chrome extension to replace new tab page with any other page that you want. This tip was given by Shane Kirk on Google forum. Here is a small workaround to fix this issue. But due to the new update by chrome, we don’t have that option anymore. I’m one of the user who used Instant Extended API Flag to remove that search box from the new tab.